Photos of Dad

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Another Grandson's Tribute by Ryan McKenzie

[Editor's note: This is a reposting of a Facebook post. A number of Dad's grandchildren are talented vocalists and musicians. Ryan is playing taps with a picture of Dad as a young enlisted man in the foreground. HT: Ron McKenzie]

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Dad's Turkey Stuffing by Sharon Guillemette Forinash

Dad’s Turkey Stuffing

12 to 13 lbs. Turkey
1 to 1 ¼ lbs. ground fresh pork
1/3 Cup + 2 Tbsp. chopped onions
2 Stalks celery with leaves, chopped
2 Tbsp. salt
½ tsp. fresh ground black pepper
1 Tbsp. Poultry seasoning
¼ lb. (1 tube) regular salted crackers, crushed
1 Cup chicken stock (bouillon cubes or granules will work)

Stuffing: Use a large skillet and medium temperature. Cook and break up ground pork for approximately 10 minutes. Add the onions and celery. When pork is done, add the salt, pepper, poultry seasoning, and crackers. Mix well. Add the chicken broth and mix thoroughly until it is the consistency of mush. Remove the stuffing from the burner and allow it to cool. Refrigerate until cold. It is ready to stuff into your turkey. After stuffing the turkey, cover the exposed stuffing and cavity with a slice of bread. It will prevent your stuffing from drying out. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Dad's Chicken Chow Mein Recipe by Chuck and Elaine Brookshire

Chuck emailed me a couple of scans (see below) he had made of Dad's recipe for chicken chow mein which he had made for them on the folks' visit to Chuck and Elaine's former residence in Colorado.

I remember visits to the China Royal restaurant on my more recent post-high school visits to Fall River; many locals considered it the best Chinese food in New England. Unfortunately, it closed in 2001. What I didn't realize is that Fall River is famous as the birthplace of the chow mein sandwich:
Originating in Fall River, Massachusetts, in the 1930s or 1940s, the chow mein sandwich is a hot sandwich, which typically consists of a brown gravy-based chow mein mixture placed between halves of a hamburger-style bun, popular on Chinese-American restaurant menus throughout southeastern Massachusetts and parts of neighboring Rhode Island. The sandwiches are served "strained" or "unstrained," referring to whether or not the sandwich has vegetables. "Strained" means that it is served without vegetables. Just like plated chow mein without the bun, the sandwich may also include meats or seafood, usually chicken, beef, or shrimp. The Oriental Chow Mein Noodle Company of Fall River is the regional source for the sandwich's distinctive crispy noodles.

I'll update this post if Mom has anything to add, but it does explain our Franco-American family's taste for chow mein (I don't recall us ever having it in a sandwich format, though). I know Dad used to order noodles via mail order. The dry noodles are fabulous, even as a snack by themselves; I'm speculating that he got the above-cited brand; it may be sold by multiple vendors, but you can buy a 5-lb. bag from this vendor for about $34, plus shipping, roughly $11, smaller bundles available (as of this post's date). I think the noodles keep fresh about 2 months, longer if you freeze them.

If anybody else had a Dad recipe to share, let me know. (I think Sharon offered to share his Thanksgiving stuffing recipe.)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Grandson's Tribute by Jon Brookshire

From Facebook:

My Pépère was one of the greatest men I have ever known. He knew the importance in life and creating the love of a family. A man of dignity and faith. He flows through my veins and inspires me through life. This is how I honor you and will remind me what life is about. Wish I could of spend more time with you before your passing. I will keep your beliefs alive through my children. I love you Pépère.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

On Dad's Birthday by Philip/Jodi Guillemette

Displaying IMG_0047.jpg

Philip and Jodi took Mom to a nice restaurant on Dad's birthday.

I still have Dad's birthday in my calendars with reminders to shop and mail his birthday card.... I think it's the first such birthday for Mom since Dad was assigned to Thailand during the Vietnam War. Thinking of you, Dad.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

More Songs on Dads and Passing

Neil Diamond, "Done Too Soon" Mark Schultz, "He's My Son" Eric Clapton, "Tears in Heaven" Bobby Goldsboro, "Honey" Styx, "Dear John" Josh Groban, "To Where You Are" Beth Nielsen Chapman, "Sand and Water" Neil Diamond, "Morningside" Mac Davis, "Whoever Finds This, I Love You" Porter Wagoner & Dolly Parton, "Jeannie's Afraid of the Dark" Jon Barker, "Thank you for being my Dad (Song for Dad)" George Strait, "A Father's Love" Conway Twitty, "That's My Job"

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Month Later: A Personal Reflection

I had almost invariably gone home for Christmas (and my birthday) annually. (I was supposed to be born on Christmas.) There was the occasional exception. In the early 1990's Philip and his family lived in Manassas,VA, and invited me to visit for the holidays; Diane lived about 3 hours south near Newport News while Joe was on assignment in the Gulf Region. We had a 6-month-old baby niece Cathy I wanted to see, and Philip agreed to a sibling reunion. (Cathy would later tell me she used gift money to buy a camel beanie baby in honor of her daddy's service.)

Family reunions were harder to come by; Pete and Diane moved as part of military families. Chuck (Elaine) and Glenn (Sharon) moved as part of their jobs to Florida, New Jersey or Colorado. Philip moved to Illinois, Minnesota and Kansas. Ron (Vivian) moved to Missouri. And, of course, the families often were establishing their own traditions or visiting the in-laws. Eventually 3 siblings returned to Texas. Mom had also spoken of going on the road to alternately visit the siblings at Christmas if and when she and Dad retired. Since I have never married, I tended to visit the folks at Christmas more consistently.

There were principally two family reunions over the past decade: the folks' golden anniversary and in the spring of 2009 my maternal uncle's golden anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. There were a variety of job-related or budgetary reasons why I hadn't visited more recently. (For instance, my West Virgina gig started on my birthday.) My Mom kept inviting me for the holidays, and every once in a while she would hint that their next trip might be their last. I, of course, knew that Dad had experienced some issues. The last time I accompanied him to the base exchange (where Mom used to work), he had chronic knee issues and seemed to stop to rest at every other bench on the way to the entrance.

Maybe I was in a state of denial. But when I heard my Mom call 2 days earlier, moments after she had been escorted away from his bedside, crying we were losing him, it was a surreal experience. The hardest thing in the world is to hear your Mom cry and not be able to do anything about it. Vivian had just sent out a reassuring email, as he had just been transferred following successful back surgery to a rehabilitation center near Mom. Vivian in fact had just flown back to Missouri, although she said she somehow knew it would be the last time she would see Dad and had said her goodbye. Mom had just stepped out to grab a bite to eat after Dad had gone through what seemed to be a highly successful first therapy session; reportedly, all of a sudden, his blood pressure dropped through the floor. Septic shock. I still didn't quite get how mere hours after being checked out of the hospital, he suddenly had a raging infection.

It seemed that Dad stabilized by the end of my call to Mom, although he was still critical; it was clear from Mom that she was convinced all they had bought was a little more time. For some reason, I didn't get an earlier call from Mom, and Diane, not aware Mom had reached me, texted me and send an email. Diane is a registered nurse and knew how to keep emotions separate from her professional judgment; it was clear I needed to get down there as soon as I could if I wanted to say my goodbye.

I had a professional interview scheduled for Wednesday that I needed to reschedule. How many days to book a flight? I decided to take a one-way. But everything was booked going out of Pittsburgh, my nearest major airport on Tuesday. I then got a call Tuesday afternoon from Sharon; Dad was stable, but it wasn't looking good. I needed to get there ASAP. The earliest I could get to the target Texas airport was roughly noon, a multi-leg trip. I tried to get some sleep in the early evening; I needed to start for Pittsburgh just after midnight. When I got to the key Pittsburgh exit, I found troopers had blocked it off; I found myself driving towards downtown Pittsburgh with no obvious detour/turnaround. Nevertheless, I took a couple of lefts off the first loop exit and to my relief headed back to the loop.

It was a long plane ride with layovers in North Carolina and Dallas. No interim contact from friends and family. I had emailed my itinerary to Mom, Pete, and Sharon and knew someone would pick me up, but I wasn't sure who. There are a lot of things that float through one's mind: I remember as a toddler rushing to welcome Dad home from work; I remembered the one-on-one times we had together; the time he flew to BWI to see me through outpatient surgery; the times he proudly introduced his PhD son to his buddies at VFW and the American Legion. I also remembered our few arguments (for example, I was thinking of a place for lunch after we picked up my prescription and saw parking at the target was packed; I didn't want to wait for a table and asked him to move on, but he decided to stop at the green-light intersection and argue with me.) And I kept dwelling on the fact that I should have called and visited more often, and those opportunities were gone forever.

Sharon and Glenn were there to pick me up; they didn't ask about whether I was hungry, but it was clear they thought I needed to get to the hospital ASAP. The doctors had lowered his medication enough for him to gain consciousness that morning. His organs were beginning to shut down, and he had made it clear he did not want extraordinary means. He couldn't talk because he had tubes going down his throat.

It was hard for me to see him like that on a hospital bed; it reminded me of the time I visited Elaine after her childhood appendectomy. I felt so helpless, unsure of what to do or say. They adjusted Dad's meds, so he could regain consciousness. I initially joked that I knew he would say that I needed a haircut (in fact, I did); the first thing Dad would inevitably do on my visits home is drive me to a local barbershop (I paid, of course). I told him I wanted him to fight (God knows he did), I brought up times we spent together, told him I loved him. He recognized and saw me, even when I moved to the other side of the bed. A lot happened very fast, especially after they removed the ventilator tubing; Diane was telling Dad to take deep breaths. He wanted to talk but his throat was raw. His breaths became shallower. Mom started crying. I knew he had passed before the doctor, observing outside the room, called it.

My brother Philip, after he was engaged to Jodi, was worried how I would take the news that he had selected one of his friends Steve, instead of me, as his best man. In fact, Phil was barely in his teens when I left home for college, and we had never discussed the idea. At the time, he lived in Beaumont and I lived in Houston. We occasionally visited each other, but I had never even thought about being his best man; I was more annoyed that he thought he was hurting my feelings. In fact, I had always intended to ask my Dad to be my best man if and when I ever got married. (Ironically, I recently learned that Bruce Breeding, my best friend from UH, had chosen his dad as best man.) That will now never happen. I not only lost my Dad; I lost my best man.

Dad's Favorite Songs: A Selection

[Editor's Note: I have requested feedback from family and friends on Dad's favorites; I do know know that he had a decent CD/record collection and there are some albums we separately purchased, e.g., he's got an ELO collection, but we never discussed specific songs. So I'll start with a small collection, and hopefully I'll edit the post with other suggestions.]

[Update, 9/13]: Mom wrote to say she found CD's of George Strait, Michael Bolton, and the "The King and I" in his truck. I'm going to use my discretion to select relevant tracks at the end of the post. 
Mom was just 18 and Dad 21 when they got married. Apparently they got feedback from some family or acquaintances that they were "too young" to get married.

This Ronnie Milsap song has a nostalgic feel for the time when Dad courted Mom.
Dad was an Anne Murray fan, and I remember giving him a copy of Anne Murray's Greatest Hits Vol. 2 for Christmas. I never did figure out years later why he had a second copy in his collection.

My Dad got assigned to Germany when I was at OLL; I remember visiting my maternal grandfather my sophomore year. This song sticks out because I got a cassette of the family singing the song for me while they were gone. I mentioned during my eulogy how Dad got choked up seeing his whole family together after they returned from Germany and joined me for Mass at the OLL chapel. I don't know he was a Carpenters fan [I am].

I bought Beth Nielson Chapman's CD single, and I remember burning a CD of some of my favorite tracks for the folks; Mom wrote back that Dad really liked the song.

I used to be a country fan as a late teen and then drifted to more pop/adult contemporary. I knew of George Strait by reputation but it wasn't until I looked at his discography that I realize how dominant he's been over decades filled with #1 hits. How then can I choose? I was looking at a blog post ranking Strait's top 10 hits, and I didn't have to read far to come across the song of a boy describing his day with his dad as the best day of his life. The song stayed at #1 for 3 weeks in 2000.

Michael Bolton had a blue-eyed soul way with remakes, and this cover of a Percy Sledge classic also went #1 on the hot 100 and adult contemporary charts.

I am a huge Hammerstein and Rodgers fan; there are multiple hit tunes to The King and I (e.g., "Getting to Know You"), but this selection reminds me of Dad dancing with Mom. My sister-in-law Jodi mentioned that the folks and Philip and she went dancing together on multiple occasions (preferably country-western, VFW, New Year's Eve) and described him as a very graceful dancer.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

In Memory of Armand Guillemette by Joseph Martin

[Editor's Note: Joseph is married to Diane, the first Guillemette daughter; like Dad and Pete, Joe is retired USAF, and Diane and daughter Renée also served as Air Force officer nurses. Dad's granddaughters also include newlywed Claire Wilson and Cathy, schoolteachers in Kansas. The editor and his baby sister appear just after the folks' wedding picture. Joe included a musical background of one of my favorite Groban performances, off his first album. I like the video.]

Friday, September 5, 2014

Pictures of the Good Shepherd Church Foyer For Dad's Funeral Mass by Philip Guillemette

Mom and Dad Attended Granddaughter Claire's Wedding By Skype by Claire Martin Wilson

[Editor's Note: Because of Dad's chronic back issues, Mom and Dad weren't able to attend Claire and Jeremiah's wedding last July 19 in person. Philip helped configure Skype so the folks could virtually attend. You can clearly make out Dad in the lower right corner of the screen.]

Monday, August 25, 2014

Baltic Sea Cruise 2013 by Philip Guillemette

[Editor's note: Everyone knows our maternal Grandfather had been saving for a retirement and trips with Grandmother, when Grandmother died too soon from complications of colon cancer (while I was still a toddler). I love the fact that Philip and Jodi invited the folks along on a cruise like this last year....]

Pictures From the Graveside Service in Fall River by Pete Guillemette

[Editor's note: Some of the pictures involve military honors reflecting his USAF career. Pete said getting the pictures done was a challenge; thanks for the effort, Pete. I noticed that he was seated on the near side of Mom for a couple of pictures and asked who took those pictures; he said Janice (cousin (Uncle Fernand), Mom and Dad's flower girl). Uncle Ray and Aunt Phyllis made it with another couple of cousins (see below). I know Mom's cousin Connie is hosting Mom and Pete during their New England stay, and daughters Jeanne and Melina (with her 2 children) also attended.]

A later note from Pete: "The service was very nice and the attendance was pretty good with 27 in attendance. The picture of Uncle Roger during the service didn't [pan] out because the sun was at his back. Uncle Ray placed a single rose on the casket along with a peach."

Here's a version of the peach story, a variation of the forbidden apple story from Genesis. When Dad was 7 and Ray was 9, they were walking from Somerset to Swansea when they passed by a peach orchard. Dad persuaded a reluctant Ray that they should climb a peach tree and pluck some ripe fruit to eat. The orchard owner caught them in the act and brought them to a place where he placed a large pile of harvested peaches in front of them and encouraged them to eat their fill. When they were finished, the owner said,  "From now on, if you want to eat peaches, come and see me; don't go climbing the trees and breaking branches..."

The serviceman on the left played taps.

In the center, Janice, her husband, and Uncle Roger
Dad's cousins Donald, Muriel, Nelson
Cousins Celeste, Conrad (Uncle Ray)
Dad's surviving brother, Uncle Ray (Emile), Aunt Phyllis

Today's Contribution: Batman (AKA Dad) Making Thanksgiving Stuffing by Sharon Forinash

Thanksgiving 2013 at the Forinash Home
Submitted by Sharon
Did you know that in one of the cartridges of Batman's utility belt is Dad's famous secret turkey stuffing recipe? The stuffing is always one of the highlights of any Guillemette family Thanksgiving dinner. Good picture of the folks, Sharon; thanks....

If we are really nice to Sharon, maybe she'll share the recipe with us...

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Week Later

My youngest brother Pete will be accompanying my Mom on a week-long visit to New England this week, the principal purpose will be to bury Dad in Mom's family plot Monday morning. (I'm not sure about Dad's side of the family, except I know the remains of my beloved Aunt Grace, a former religious sister and educator, are stored in a mausoleum: presumably any family plot was full.)

I was not happy about my futile attempts to contact my cousins (all on Dad's side, since my Mom's only sibling is a priest). Brothers #1 and #3 and Dad's other sister had children. Family communication has been challenging; I was particularly close to Jackie (she later changed it to a more Franco variation of Jacquie) in terms of correspondence. I was experimenting with my poetry and had written verses in an apple-like profile; I had solicited her opinion. She had lost her own dad by her teens and her mom (and our grandmother who lived with them) by my early twenties when my maternal grandfather passed. I had gone to visit Grandfather over the holidays while my Dad was stationed in Germany and my aunt used to come and pick me up for the evenings to visit with her daughters.  Jackie was the vocalist of a trio (two male friends) which did covers of soft rock hits like the Carpenters; they mostly played at special events like wedding receptions and the like. Jackie and her younger sister earned teaching degrees at Providence College; ironically I made a campus visit to Providence College and was willing to teach at a bargain basement salary, but they ended up hiring a more local candidate. The sad thing is that teacher market was saturated, and the last I heard my younger cousin was working civil service. I don't think my cousins ever got past losing their parents at a young age; Jackie cut off communication when I was not supportive of the cousins getting involved with a Pentecostal group.

(Ironically I lost my first college girlfriend to a Pentecostal group; our first fight was when she got me to come to a Pentecostal service. I didn't have a car, so one of the college's religious sisters escorted us. One of the congregation started "speaking in tongues", which sounded like "Ja-ma-ba-ka-fa...."; I rolled my eyes and told my girl, "Oh, give me a break!" I could tell that she was pissed at me, and I was mortified when she stood up next and started speaking in gibberish; there was no place to hide. The ride back was uncomfortably silent as we sat as physically apart as possible in the car. We eventually got over that; she later got an invitation to join a religious commune and basically tried to use it to pressure me into making a commitment to our relationship. I told her that it was her decision whether to stay in San Antonio; she left for Dallas and I never heard from her again.)

So my Mom wrote to me last night and told me Jackie had passed; they only heard about it when they visited my surviving uncle/aunt last year in Connecticut. The latter couple actually met at my folks' wedding. It's odd that my uncle, roughly 2 years older than my Dad, is the survivor of the family, because he has been dealing with chronic medical issues for years. There's a family kerfuffle over my uncle because somehow my grandparents didn't catch an anglicized version of our surname ("Guilmette") (my Dad would often write it as "Gillmet" at restaurants, because most people will butcher the pronunciation, e.g., "gwill-E-mettee", or worse. I've learned to respond to "Ronald?") We've always called him "Uncle Ray", but more recently, he's gone with "Emile". I do not know why my uncle never corrected the errors, but it would tick me off when my cousins would address mail to me using the misspelled variation.

I heard a rumor one of my cousins might drive her dad to Monday's graveside service. I suspect besides Mom and Pete, my maternal uncle and a close cousin of Mom's will be there. I was conflicted on whether to attend; I would have gone if Mom had asked or if Pete wasn't able to go. Among other things, either TSA or American Airlines fractured my hardside suitcase last Sunday (American changed my arrangements 2 or 3 times Sunday, the last one with just a half hour and I had to traverse different concourses. The gate agent rebooked me through Delta, but I had to recheck my baggage and go through security again. Delta had to heavily tape up the end of the suitcase. Incidentally, TSA wasn't too bad, but they had an obsession with scanning my hands. I was worried, because I didn't know how long I would be in San Antonio, given Dad's critical health status, so I booked one-ways.) I also have to drive to Pittsburgh for flights, and there were budget and travel scheduling constraints, not to mention professional work considerations. (I had to postpone a key interview, originally scheduled the day Dad died.)

It's funny how many times Dad has been popping up in my dreams and consciousness lately. There are some physical characteristics I have from each side of the family. I inherited my double-jointed thumbs from Dad (my thumbs bend back at near right angles), the barrel chest is from my Dad's side, and my Mom once told me I got my high cheekbones from a Cherokee great-grandmother on my Dad's side. I think my looks favor Mom's side, although I think my complexion favors Dad's side.

I think Dad probably found me somewhat enigmatic; I did not share his mechanical interest or aptitude. Some of the toys he bought me over the years went barely used (but I did like this toy bazooka that shot plastic missiles, which probably drove Dad nuts when I shot it off in the family vehicle on our drive down to Florida). I had a moment not unlike that of John-Boy Walton, as aspiring writer, in "The Homecoming" when his hardscrabble dad brought him a supply of writing tablets for Christmas; on occasion during my early childhood the folks would leave us at a day care facility for an evening--and forget all the toys, I thought the coolest thing was when I got a clean sheet of copy paper--the things one could do with a blank sheet of paper staggers the imagination. My middle brother laughs at that and said that my folks should have gotten me a ream of copy paper for Christmas. Everyday when I start my daily political blog post, I feel the same surge of excitement. I'm constantly tweaking my signature format.

There are some things I edited out of my eulogy. One incident that sticks out involves a high school student's dad who involved in Scouts and in baseball. In one game, being a lefty, I was playing off the bag at first base; his son hit a soft liner towards the gap into right field on a hit-and-run. I speared the ball and raced to first for the unassisted double play. I could hear the dad repeatedly screaming, "That was NOT a double-play ball!" For whatever reason, he disliked me and sabotaged the first time in Boy Scouts I went up for Star Scout. (I passed the second time, but left short of my goal of Eagle Scout. My brother and I had worked hard on a trip fundraiser; one of the options was to see our first MLB game at the Astrodome. Our side won the vote, but the troop leaders refused to ratify the result and pulled Tom DeLay armtwisting tactics on a few swing Scouts; I think they were pushing a camping trip alternative (Big Bend?), and they won the revote. Nothing wrong with camping, but as Scouts, we had been on several camping trips. I felt they should never have offered the Astros option if they had no intention of ratifying it. At that point, I was done with Scouts, and I think my brother followed me.)

In any event, there was some interim kerfuffle where this leader was upset at me and he sent a car after me on the way home; my Dad decided to drive me back (we passed the car chasing after me) and have a conversation with the said leader. My folks were a couple of inches shorter than average, but don't let his stature deceive you. (My 6'4" brother-in-law admits that my Dad intimidated him when he first started dating my sister.) My Dad basically told the leader not to mess with his kids or he would have to deal with him. From what I could tell, my Dad did all the talking and left the sheepish leader staring blankly at the ground.

My Dad hadn't been in a position to help me financially through my first 2 degrees, but the family's financial situation had improved in the 1980's; my Mom started working at a local base exchange, and Dad got a stable position with the USPS. It had been a culture shock on my trips home from Houston to see my youngest siblings at will pluck a can of soda or a carton of Blue Bell ice cream from the refrigerator/freezer. When I left home at 16, these were special occasion treats, like for birthdays. I used to deliver around 90 papers a day under the broiling south Texas sun and used to finish up with a swing through the bachelor quarters, which had vending machines (including beer). I would sometimes sacrifice one of my hard-earned quarters (I cleared maybe a dollar a day on my route) to buy a can of Sprite. In Houston, I faced a double whammy; I was working in the dying APL timesharing industry, whose business model had been undermined by cheap commodity computing, e.g., minicomputers and microcomputing, plus the economy and oil business had been in a recession, in part because of Fed high interest policies to deal with inflation. I had started working on an MBA part-time but I didn't have much cash to ride out the layoffs. I think the worst time was just around the time I was admitted to the PhD program and had won a small stipend position as a teaching fellow. I had worked registration one semester to pick up extra cash. I thought I had about $100 in my checking account, but I must have been hit with service charges I didn't know about, and I was not aware my registration check was available. A couple I had befriended through Catholic Newman got married and had invited me to the wedding; I had enclosed a $15 check, only to discover, to my horror, the check bounced (and I think the NSF charge was twice the amount of the check). So, for the most part I had a tight budget through graduate school.

The reason I'm explaining this is to provide context for the following. During all this period I never asked the folks for money. I think the one time I had asked for help is when I needed about $500 to have my math thesis typed and bound. My mom suggested going to my Grandfather; there was a trivial incident in sixth grade where my Grandfather swore I would never see a cent from him for college--and kept the grudge. I was wary--I knew he would give Mom the money, no questions asked. At the least I thought she had cleared it. I was wrong. I was about as eager asking for a loan as someone else might approach a root canal. My Grandfather went ballistic when he got my request; my uncle smoothed things over. Ironically a courtesy copy of my thesis was in transit to him when we got word he passed.

At any rate, when I left home back to UH during that period, as I was leaving and saying my goodbyes, he would often slip a $10 or $20 bill to me.

In later years, we would have different moments. I remember accompanying him to some eye or medical appointment; he had me drive his new truck back home--I was nervous because I had never driven it before, and the last thing I wanted was to have an accident with his truck.

But we had a ritual of sorts with his seeing me off at San Antonio airport. He would buy me breakfast tacos and then see me off through security. I'm usually quite stoic on these occasions; except for brief visits home since 16, I had lived on my own and paid my own bills. But on this one occasion I'll always remember, it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks that I was leaving my home, my own support system, the only people who love me unconditionally. I teared up, stealing one last look at my Dad.

No longer will he be there to tell me almost invariably that I need a haircut and drive me to his trusted barber. No longer will he there to brag to his VFW or American Legion buddies about his son with the PhD. We had very different styles (I'm more blunt and direct, but I've never heard someone say anything negative about my Dad, and his children and grandchildren adored him) but the same values. I knew Dad had back and knee problems and there are risks with surgery. But his oldest brother just passed earlier this year, and I thought we had years. I was wrong. I miss you, Dad.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Guillemette Family Thanks Good Shepherd Parish by Diane Martin

The Guillemette Family wishes to thank Good Shepherd Parish for the many kindnesses, prayers and sympathy after the loss of Armand Guillemette on August 13th. We would especially like to thank Deacon Bob Leibrecht, the Bereavement Ministry, Choir and the Knights of Columbus for their comfort and care during the funeral. God Bless you all.

The 'A' Stands For 'Armand': A Eulogy for Dad

When I bought a copy of pop singer Dan Hill’s greatest hits, I came across “Daddy’s Song”. It begins:
I always knew, this time would come
still I'm not ready, is anyone?
As a child I believed daddies lived on and on
I guess I was wrong.
A separate verse:
As your first son I couldn't have loved you more.
Ronald Armand Guillemette. As the first-born I carry his given name proudly; he was the one man I wanted to impress. He set an example for my brothers and me how to be a good, God-fearing man through his unconditional love for our mother Claire, his love and patience with each of his children, his many Air Force buddies, work colleagues, and his friends at the local American Legion and VFW,  the way he practiced and lived his faith. He lives on in my siblings and me, his 21 grandchildren, and his 14 great-grandchildren.

I knew someday last Wednesday would come. My paternal grandfather had died years before my folks first met, and my maternal grandmother passed before I went to kindergarten. As a military brat, you always have to be aware about the risks to a loved one. At 12, the oldest of 7, I wasn't ready for my Dad to be shipped off to Vietnam; I didn't go to the airport to see him off. His orders were later changed to Thailand. In my trunk at home is a postcard from Dad where Dad wrote that I needed to be the man of the house while he was away. Then Monday night Mom called unexpectedly. Two hours after my plane touched down Wednesday, he was gone. One of God's blessings is that all 7 of us got to say goodbye and he knew we were there.

I learned a hard work ethic, professionalism and thriftiness from Dad

It was tough raising a large family on an enlisted man’s salary. During the earlier years of his Air Force career, he moonlighted.

Dad had a mischievous, fun-loving side

yes, beyond his signature “tiger bites”.  One anecdote involved working on a Massachusetts relative’s farm during his youth. A series of freshly baked blueberry pies had been set outside to cool. Dad and the other boys swiped one of the pies, and they enjoyed it with the cream top layer of fresh raw milk. Naturally someone noticed one of the pies was missing and accused the guys of stealing it. The guys denied it: "Stick out your tongues!"

Dad loved Christmas

I can still hear him tell me childhood memories of going to Midnight Mass, sleigh rides, and snow softly falling down. Dad loved the change of seasons, Mom not so much; this explains why he will be buried at a family plot in his native Fall River.  I found out the hard way that Dad wanted kids to enjoy their childhood. If people don’t understand Philip’s reference to Santa Claus and black stubble, there's a story behind it. I was the all-knowing, all-wise fourth grader, my brother asked me about Santa Claus. I was ambivalent; I went with the flow because I got presents. But I had to maintain my facade so I bluffed: I told him that I thought I saw some black stubble under the white beard. My brother knew only one person fitting that description: “Daddy! Daddy! Ronald said you were Santa.” My Dad spanked me saying, “Just because you know, you don't have to spoil it for the others."

Dad Loved Mom

Back to Dan Hill:
Daddy your love for my mother, your wife,
moves me more deeply than all else in my life.
My Dad never had an unkind word about Mom. This is not to say they didn’t have their differences as do all married couples. But he genuinely loved my Mom, and one of my big regrets about the timing of his passing was it was just a few weeks short of their 60th wedding anniversary. One particular moment that comes to mind is my last Christmas season visit home just a few years back. My folks and I were alone in the house and I had been in a bedroom on the Internet. I came out of the room and was about to walk into the living room when I spotted my parents standing in the middle of the room, kissing each other, totally wrapped up in the moment, oblivious to all else around them. I found it utterly charming and sweet, after more than 50 years of marriage, my parents were still so much in love with each other.

Dad Loved His Family

Back in 1995, I had just come back from a long business trip to Brazil and decided to join my parents in a visit to New England. (Dad would have preferred to retire in New  England, and periodic visits were Mom's compromise.) One day we went to see Dad's oldest brother. As we approached the house, we caught a brief glimpse of someone at the window, probably my aunt, but despite repeated knocking, no one came to the door. Mom and I thought that we should move on, but Dad insisted he had come to see his brother, and he wasn't leaving until he saw his brother. Bottom line: Dad saw his brother.

My Mom jokes that it wasn’t my Dad’s idea to have so many kids. It was hard to make ends meet on an enlisted man’s salary. One moment sticks out in my mind. I was then a resident college student at Our Lady of the Lake. My second year my Dad and the rest of the family left Laredo for his assignment in Germany; when the family returned home to the San Antonio area, they went to Sunday Mass at the OLL chapel with me. As we went up to receive communion, I heard my Dad behind me and asked if something was wrong. It later dawned on me that he was responding to seeing his whole family together.

Dad took time for his kids and was proud of them

I remember how proud I was when my Dad brought me with him to have a powdered doughnut and a glass of milk. However, one of my sisters remembered her Daddy date less fondly: it ended up getting an immunization. I remember Dad going to my high school’s football games with me, and even just a few years ago he flew into Baltimore to help me through my hernia operation. With my brother Pete, it's been about going to college football games, even though stadium seating wasn't great for his knees or back.

When Dad took me or a brother to the local VFW or American Legion, he would introduce us with pride to his friends.

Dad loved kids, even beyond our family. I remember being with Dad shopping at the commissary, and Dad might play peek-a-boo with a little boy as we passed by him seated in a cart. When he distributed clothing and toys to local kids in Thailand, they nicknamed him “Buddha”.  When his children or grandchildren came to visit, he often had special treats or gifts for them. Along with my Mom, he would celebrate the special events of his grandchildren—graduations, weddings, and religious events like confirmations; even when Dad’s health issues over the past several weeks made it impossible to make my newlywed niece’s wedding, he and Mom were there by Skype.

Dad Loved God and Lived His Faith

God and Church are part of our French-Canadian roots. There were a couple of religious sisters on Dad's side of the family, including his big sister Grace. Dad is one of those whom live their faith by action, whether it's charity to poor Thai children or as an active member of the Good Shepherd community as a Eucharistic Minister to the homebound.

Dan Hill's song ends:
As a child I believed daddies lived on and on
Perhaps I'm not wrong.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Guillemette Family Tree by Cathy Martin

Graveside Service Scheduled For Dad

According to Mom, the graveside service for Dad will be at 11 AM EDT at Notre Dame cemetery on Stafford Road in Fall River, MA this Monday (Aug. 25).

Some of My Favorite Dad Songs

Daddy's Song by Dan Hill

 The Living Years by Mike & The Mechanics

 Everything I Own by Bread

 Luther Vandross, "Dance With My Father"

 Jim Croce, "I Got a Name"

Tim McGraw, "My Little Girl"

 Harry Chapin, "Cats in the Cradle"

 Bobby Goldsboro, "Watching Scotty Grow"

Bob Carlisle, "Butterfly Kisses"

Dan Hill, "I Am My Father's Son"

 Eddie Fisher, "Oh My Papa"

Eulogy for Dad by Philip with Vivian

Some ordinary people lead extraordinary lives and some very extraordinary people lead very ordinary lives. Armand, Dad, Pepere, or Gil as he was known to his friends was the latter. He was an extraordinary man not by the standards of  the world but by the standards of heaven.

Armand Guillemette was a man that loved God, his wife and family, and his country. He was also a man who knew his purpose on this earth even in the smallest acts of humor and kindness.

First his love of God -

Armand, or Armie, as his sister Grace called him, was born on Sept 28, 1933 to a Roman Catholic French Canadian American family in Fall River, MA. As he grew in faith,  he demonstrated his love of God through prayer, church attendance, receiving the sacraments, and his love of the Holy Eucharist, as a Eucharistic Minister. His marriage to Claire was a true sacramental marriage with a three way relationship of husband, wife and The Lord. As kids, we thought that he was deeply religious, because he always went to confession on Christmas Eve instead of being with us, when Santa arrived to pass out gifts. Yes, a Santa with a white flowing beard and a little black razor stubble underneath.

Armand loved his wife and family -

Dad met Mom when she was just 15 years old at a dance in Fall River, MA. He captured her heart with his handsome smile, good looks and twinkling blue eyes. They were married on Thanksgiving Day in 1954.

His deep love and respect for his partner of almost sixty years was a shining example of what a marriage should be. His devotion to mom could be seen in the way he looked at her when she wasn’t aware or the joy he got from spoiling her with gifts. Nothing gave dad more pleasure than to see mom beam with delight when she opened a present he had specially chosen just for her.

Together they brought seven children into this world, each with their own unique gifts and talents. First came Ronald (Bryan), Diane and Philip (Otis), Elaine (Fall River), Sharon (Otis), Pete (Tyndall) and Vivian (Shaw). He provided for our physical and intellectual needs but he also nurtured and encouraged each of us through the example he set as a man and a father.

He taught us the values of love of family (through frequent visits with his 5 siblings and Mother), love of faith (church every Sunday), the virtue of hard work and service, and that honesty and kindness was the mark of a good person.

For his three sons, he taught us how to be a man, a father and a good husband. He taught us that real men are patient and kind and not afraid to show their soft side by shedding tears of joy and sorrow. His four daughters were shown what an ideal husband and father should be.

His love for each of us extended to the “outlaws” as each of our spouses are known. For each daughter, dad put their intended spouse through rigorous questioning and tests because only the best of men were good enough for his sweet girls. And dad got his wish, he got four extraordinary men as son-in-laws that he respected and loved deeply.

He was a bit easier on his two daughter-in-laws, no rigorous tests or questions, just immediate acceptance and love. Dad treated them like daughters and took great care to make sure they knew how happy he was to have them as part of  the Guillemette clan. As he said once to me, “You done good Philip”.

As a grandfather, Pepere, took great pride in each of his 21 grandchildren and all their accomplishments. He and mom made it a priority to attend every baptism, first communion, confirmation, high school graduation, college graduation, and every other special achievement in their lives. It was so important to dad to be there showing yet again through example that family must be a priority because family is what matters in life; not riches or things but people.

Gil Loved his country -

Dad served his country in the USAF for over 22 years, where he was known by his Air Force buddies simply as "Gil" or "Gilly". He served overseas during the Korean War, Vietnam War and during the "Cold War" in France and Germany. He was a hard working aircraft mechanic, crew chief, dock chief, and maintenance supervisor, and achieved full flight status to provide maintenance support to the RC-66.

He was also a Voodoo Medicine Man for those who know what I'm talking about. He typically put in 12 hours a day without complaint to achieve his mission. He taught all of us the virtues of hard work, teamwork, and service. A few years ago, Diane and Joe put together a beautiful shadow box commemorating his Air Force service for you to view in the Gathering Space.

Most people would think that Armand led an ordinary life, but on the contrary, he was an extraordinary man who loved deeply, lived fully, and showed kindness to everyone he met. He knew that being rich in life had nothing to do with things and money but had everything to do with being there for the people he loved. The world would be a much better place, if there were more men like Armand Guillemette.

Dad's Obituary